Wednesday, June 2, 2010


i was trying to be really good about the blog, and then I got sidetracked once again...we are remodeling 3 bedrooms all at once, i mean Randy is and it's a little chaotic. We had to kick our son out due to conflicting parenting/young adult situations at home. We need to parent and he doesnt want to be parented. It has been a difficult transition and we constantly are worrying about him and hoping that he can get on track with his life. Please pray for him, he needs it.

This weekend is Tanners 14th bday extravaganza, so we will be busy with 14 year old boys and skate barn excursion. I am adding some pictures of the recent work Randy has been doing, i just clean after him and pick paint color, he does amazing work, im soo proud!

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