Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Apr 25-27,2010

Wow what a wonderful couple of days!We flew into Vegas at 8am on Sunday morning(yes we had to get up at 3:30am)and spent the day at the pool and meeting up with my step sister Rachel and her husband Bill. Then we had a lovely dinner with my bestie Lissa and Shawn....

The following day we rented a car with Bill and Rachel and headed out at 8 am to see the Grand Canyon. We ended up renting a newer version of my car, so Bill let Randy drive because we know the car and how it drives...oh yeah except for the fact that my husband has never done the push start ignition, so he only forgot to turn the car off once!hahaha. In Boulder City on our way to the Hoover Dam there is a restaurant called the Coffee Cup Cafe, and it is one of the restaurants in DINERS,DRIVEINS AND DIVES, so of course we had to have breakfast there...We then ventured to the Hoover Dam, of which will probably be the only time we will ever go across on the dam, they are building quite the bridge to take place of driving across it anymore...Then on to the Canyon. We were headed in the direction of the skywalk, but the price was ridiculous so we just took the bus tour, which we did not know you had to do, i will do more investigating the next time i decide to do something like that. Glad we saw it once, I must say it resembles Eastern Washington alot, even the dam was an awful lot like the Grand Coulee.

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