Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Chloee

Today I went to the zoo with Meagan, Chloee and Drue for Chloees bday...i must admit it was very fun hanging out wtih those two curly tops!As we were walking around i was remembering all the times i spent with my mom there and it made me soo sad she isnt here to enjoy these two beautiful granddaughters of hers.(she's missing out on all of them but today was just the two girls)I feel sometimes like Im filling her shoes, she kind of asked me to on her death bed, she made me promise i would take care of all of them, jeesh i hope i never let her down. It was so fun watching them interact, they dont see each other that often, Drue was telling Chloee what to do, that's what Peyton does to her, so it was cute. On the slide their hair was getting all crazy so i took about a zillion shots, it was cracking us up.

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