Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gas Works

Randy had a memory of when he was a kid, his parents had taken him to Gas Works park, so realizing our kids were getting older, we thought it was high time to go create a memory. It was a beautifully wonderful sunny day and we took Becca and the girls with us. With cameras in tow, we spent an awesome day creating memories i hope they will share with their kids someday, and grandma too maybe, what a fun thought, me a grandma!Well my mom was at 40! Randy had also remembered the show on the food network had done on Red Mill Burgers, so he wanted to eat there. Here are some of my faves from that day..

After lunch we went to the Ballard Locks, that was where in the park that Tyler and Peyton pet a squirrel..wish we would have gotten a picture of that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for inviting me to share in your family fun days. It makes me so happy to see the joy and love you have. Denny and I remember the day at Gasworks Park we had. I think that was the same day we ended up at Seattle waterfront and a flute player sat across from us outside as we ate fish and chips. A small thing? No, a precious memory.